Mātua Bill Carter retires
2 September 2024
After almost 30 years of providing support and guidance to Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai Charitable Trust, Matua Bill Carter has decided to retire.
At the recent Trust Board hui on Thursday 29 August, our Board members took the opportunity to thank Mātua Bill for his many contribitions to the success of the iwi and presented him with a taonga.
“Almost 30 years ago, in 1994, I was approached by Ramari Stewart and Tungia Baker to provide some help to Atiawa and Im proud that my relationship with the iwi has lasted so much longer than what was initially anticipated,” Mātua Bill said.
“I have supported almost every aspect of Atiawa ki Whakarongotai mahi and it has been a real privilege to do so.”
Among his many contributions, Mātua Bill was instramental in forming an agreement with the Kāpiti District Council in 2015 to work in partnership with our iwi in the management of all water projects in our rohe. The River Recharge Scheme was launched as a result of the partnership and ensured the use of mātauranga Māori to oxygenate our local rivers with tuna – the scheme continues today.
Board member Cherie Seamark says Mātua Bill has been pivotal to the success of Te Ātiawa ki Kāpiti.
“Mātua Bill has provided wise guidance to the Trust since he joined us so many years ago and his involvement in our Asset Holding Company has been instrumental in ensuring we are able to continue to grow and develop the assets of the iwi,” Cherie said.
“He epitomises the values of Tuakana Teina and the important role that kaumātua have to play in mentoring the younger generations into leadership roles – he has certainly been a strong mentor for me, in both my mahi with the Trust and also within my career.”
“Mātua Bill is an absolute gentleman in everything that he does and we are very fortunate to have benefited from his knowledge and experience.”