Pānui & Kaupapa

Our Pānui
Keeping all our whānau up to date with what’s happening with our mahi and across the iwi is important. To ensure good communications, we’ve established a fortnightly e-pānui, delivered straight to your email inbox.
In the event that we have urgent information to share, we’ll provide an out-of-cycle e-pānui to your email inbox aswell.
You can also receive real-time updates by following us on Facebook. We’ve also got big plans to develop a presence on other social media platforms in the near future.
If you’re a registered iwi member, you are added to our e-pānui automatically. If you are registered but are not receiving our e-pānui, or you would like to subscribe, please email us at office-coordinator@teatiawakikapiti.co.nz
News and Updates
Takutai Moana Update
Over the last few years, Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai Charitable Trust has been progressing a Takutai Moana application on behalf of te iwi o Te Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai. Led by Tīhema Baker, our Takutai Moana application is for the recognition of customary marine title...
Mātua Bill Carter retires
After almost 30 years of providing support and guidance to Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai Charitable Trust, Matua Bill Carter has decided to retire. At the recent Trust Board hui on Thursday 29 August, our Board members took the opportunity to thank Mātua Bill for his many...
Meet Our New Board Chair
Ātiawa ki Whakarongotai Charitable Trust Board elections were held in May 2024, and at the following Board hui in April 2024, a full quorum of Board members appointed Rawiri (David) Tawhai-Bodsworth as the Board chair for the trust. As the new Board Chair, Rawiri...